Курсы тестировщиков ПО
Тестирование веб-приложений
An official, technical, legal, medical, financial, business documents, website translations, certified translations.
Тестирование REST API
Simultaneous, consecutive, liaison, whispered and telephone interpreting for any kind of event.
Логи как инструмент тестировщика
Сorrection errors in translation, mistranslation, typographical mistakes or excessively literal translation.
Практикум по тест-дизайну
Adapting texts and documents to a brand new market and readership, choosing a suitable writing style.
Техники локализации плавающих дефектов
Conversion of speech (from an audio or video source file) into an electronic text document.
Автоматизация функционального тестирования
Transcribing the voice-over and the titles in the video. A synchronization of the subtitles and the video.
Тестирование веб-приложений
An official, technical, legal, medical, financial, business documents, website translations, certified translations.
Тестирование REST API
Simultaneous, consecutive, liaison, whispered and telephone interpreting for any kind of event.
Логи как инструмент тестировщика
Сorrection errors in translation, mistranslation, typographical mistakes or excessively literal translation.
Практикум по тест-дизайну
Adapting texts and documents to a brand new market and readership, choosing a suitable writing style.
Техники локализации плавающих дефектов
Conversion of speech (from an audio or video source file) into an electronic text document.
Автоматизация функционального тестирования
Transcribing the voice-over and the titles in the video. A synchronization of the subtitles and the video.